Pike Creek Dental is more than a “Dental Office”, we truly want to enrich the community we are a part of and make our surroundings better! Here you will find news regarding our team, clients and more!
July 2021
What’s Happening Around Pike Creek Dental?
Welcome to PCD!
July In The News
Construction is moving along nicely. The office is starting to transform right behind our walls, before we know it, it will be before our eyes! We can not wait until the office is completed and we can have all of our patients sit comfortably in our state-of-the-art waiting room. Until then, patients are welcome to enter the building without having to call the front desk. Please understand that seating may be limited in the lobby/waiting area since it is still being renovated. While CDC guidelines are forever changing, we are still requiring masks to be worn in the office by all patients and staff. We will continue to take temperatures and ask proper Covid questions.

Just a friendly reminder, we ask that you provide us with 24 hours notice of cancellation for any appointments
Pike Creek Dental: Giving Back and Supporting Local!
During the end of May and all of June we continued to support local businesses and give back to the community. On Dr. Joanna Green’s birthday we ordered a beautiful flower arrangement from Ron Eastburn’s and a gorgeous Hummingbird cake from Mariyumm. Dr. Joanna Green had not had a Hummingbird cake that yummy since her wedding to Dr. Kyle Green 7 years ago! Nice job, Mariyumm! Our doctors attend multiple meetings throughout the month and their most recent one was catered by El Diablo Burritos. Our staff attended a lunch and learn to expand their knowledge on our iTero Scanner and lunch was provided by Cafe Pomodoro. We also make sure to purchase gift cards from local businesses as well. This month we purchased from Brew Ha-Ha and Pure Bread. Pike Creek Dental’s May patient of the month received a gift card from Maureen’s, a local spa in the Pike Creek Valley. Our June patient of the month received a round of golf at DelCastle Golf Course.
Pike Creek Dental June Celebrations!
6/3 – Penny celebrated her 36th work anniversary
6/5 – Theresa, our hygienist, and Liz, our dental assistant celebrated their 5th work anniversaries
6/10 – Prabha, our dental assistant, celebrated her birthday!
6/20 – Deb, our dental assistant, celebrated her birthday!
6/25 – Kari, our dental assistant, celebrated her 30th birthday!
6/29 – Christina, our dental assistant, celebrated her 1st work anniversary
6/30 – Theresa, our hygienist, celebrated her birthday!
Along with all of our birthday and anniversary celebrations, we had two staff members get engaged on the same weekend! Congratulations to Dr. Nick and Diane and Theresa and Jesse!

PCD Patient Spotlight!
PCD Patient Spotlight!
Pike Creek Dental is proud to honor one of our amazing patients per month, with a special gift from a local business. For the month of June, we honored Mr. Vanderlek. Mr. Vanderlek has been a patient here at Pike Creek Dental for over 30 years. Mr. Vanderlek makes blessing bags with items that have been donated by local businesses, like Pike Creek Dental, and then will hand deliver them within the community. Thank you Mr. Vanderlek for all that you continue to do. Pike Creek Dental gifted Mr. Vanderlek with a gift card to DelCastle Golf Course for a round of golf with a friend. DelCastle Golf Course is celebrating their 50th anniversary this year and are looking forward to another 50!
Exciting News!
Dr. Robinson has some Exciting News to Share!!
Our very own, Dr. Ryan Robinson is now a published author! His first book, The Root Cause: Discover the WHY behind your TMJ and Sleep Problems, became available for purchase through Amazon on June 22nd, 2021. Dr. Robinson has always had a passion for helping others and has dedicated countless hours to further his education in Craniofacial Pain and Sleep Breathing Disorders. By doing so he can ensure he is giving his patients the best possible care. Dr. Robinson opened The Pain and Sleep Therapy Center in January of 2020, where Dr. Robinson works with patients of all ages. If you or someone you know is suffering with sleep apnea or just wants to inquire more about proper breathing in general, give The Pain and Sleep Therapy Center a call (302) 239-1757. If you are interested in purchasing Dr. Ryan Robinson’s book, you can click the link below!

PCD WOW Winner!
Pike Creek Dental WOW Winner!
At Pike Creek Dental we have started a WOW Winner for each month for our team. A QR code was created and posted all over the office to make it easy for all of us to recognize our staff members for acts of kindness and above and beyond moments with patients.
Congrats to Jill! Our second WOW Winner!
Here are some of the phenomenal things our staff said about her!
“She has a positive attitude!”
“She always answers any questions with no hesitation.”
“She is the definition of a team player!”
Pike Creek Dental continually strives to give back to our community. This past holiday season, employees made gift boxes full of dental items and age appropriate toys for Samaritan’s Purse, an organization that sends boxes of toys to children in need overseas. We also made numerous whitening baskets for local charities and local school events. Dental hygiene bags to local homeless shelters, Independence School, Skyline Elementary, St. Anthony of Padua Grade School, MS Society, Kay’s Kamp are just a few of the many charities we have donated to in the last few months. We would love to continue to give back to the community. If you would like for us to donate to your organization, please click on the link below and fill out the form. We are looking forward to contributing to your cause.

See Last Month and Previous News Letters, Click Below: